*oldBookMsg1: This book may be an outdated book, or it may have been removed.\nThis book (%s) cannot be read with this version of the Insight viewer.
*initMsg: Problem initializing Insight.\nPossible problem with $HOME/.insightrc or system.insightrc.\nError Number = %d.\n
*authMsg: You are not currently authorized to read the book: %s.\nYou may want to examine the DTEXT_AUTH variable in your $HOME/.insightrc file.
*noShelfsErr: No bookshelf(s) could be found.\n\nCheck the 'BOOK_DBASE' variable in your .insightrc file, or\nthat you specified a valid path to your command line (-b) option.
*noBooksErr: No books were found using specified information...Exiting
*libErr: Initialization failed - Specified library (-l) does not exist\nor is not accessible.
*initErr: Initialization failed - Possible problem with $HOME/.insightrc
*busyLibraryViewMsg: Initializing...\n\nCreating the View....
*initDepth: Depth of Default Visual is less than 8 bits.\nRunning lower resolution version of Insight...
*useSysDefaults: Your $HOME/.insightrc file contains potentially outdated information.\n\nInsight will use the new system defaults and then save\nthose for you upon exit.
*matchesLabel: %d Matches
*match1Label: 1 Match
*findIn: in:
*persShelfStr: Personal Shelf
*allTag: All Items,
*okLabel: Ok
*killLabel: Close and Remove Message
*listtoc: Table of Contents
*listmedia: List of Media
*listtables: List of Tables
*listfigures: List of Figures
*listexamples: List of Examples
*prevtoc: Previous Entry
*prevmedia: Previous Media Reference
*prevtables: Previous Table
*prevfigures: Previous Figure
*prevexamples: Previous Example
*nexttoc: Next Entry
*nextmedia: Next Media Reference
*nexttables: Next Table
*nextfigures: Next Figure
*nextexamples: Next Example
*rewindB.labelString: Rewind
*stopB.labelString: Stop
*playB.labelString: Play
*closeB.labelString: Close
*indexMsg: Error reading the index for book - %s.
*openMsg: Error opening book - %s.
*srchWait: Searching...
*srchMsg: Error searching book - %s.
*linkMsg: Cannot follow link to this book - %s.\nThis book may need to be installed in order to follow this link.
*srchStoplistErr: Error searching the book - %s.\n\nInvalid word(s) used in search.\nTry searching without using common words such as \"the, for, on, about\".
*srchQueryErr: Error searching the book - %s.\n\nInvalid modifiers used in search.\nSee information on searching in the Help menu.
*srchGeneralMsg: Search specified is too general.\n\nTry searching without using words such as \"a*\" or \"*a\",\nwhere \"a\" is any single character (or blank).
*srchInvalidMsg: Invalid word(s) used in search.\n\nTry searching without using common words such as \"the, for, on, about\".\nSee information on searching in the Help menu.\n
*srchSelectMsg: Select Book(s) for Searching by Clicking on a Book Icon.\n
*srchSelectPersMsg: You have the \"Search Only Personal Bookshelf?\" toggle set.\n\nSelect Book(s) for Searching by Clicking on a Book Icon in the Personal Bookshelf.
*srchNoTermsMsg: No search terms specified in the \"Find:...in:\" field.\nPlease enter text in that area.
*srchNoHitsMsg: No Items Found using the specified search.
*srchNoHitsMsgChk: No Items Found using the specified search.\nCheck to see if the structured search menu is set correctly (\"Find:...in:\").
*srchUpdateErr: Cannot Update Query Information for %s.
*srchUpdateQues: Cannot Update Query Information (Next/Previous Keyword) for %s.\nClick \"OK\" to try the search again.
*nextHitsMsg: There are no more matches below.\nClick the 'Previous' button to see additional matches.
*prevHitsMsg: There are no previous matches.\nClick the 'Next' button to see additional matches.
*srchOpenErr: During the search process, the following books could not\nbe opened for searching from their corresponding bookshelf:\n\n%s\nThey should be 'unselected' from future search operations.\nThe books may be outdated in which case they should be\nremoved.
*scriptErr: Error - Cannot Add %s script.
*journalOpenErr: Cannot open History window.
*historyErr: Cannot access History List (used for Go Back).
*goBackErr: No more entries to \"Go Back\" to.
*badPShlf: The following books on your Personal Shelf could not be found\nin the current Insight library:\n\n%s\nClick \"OK\" to have them permanently removed from your Personal Shelf...
*bmPromptMsg: The current (top) location will be bookmarked. Enter a label here:
*printNoSelectMsg: Nothing selected for the print operation.\nClick on an entry in the Table-of-Contents area to select.
*tocHelpMsg: To Use the Table of Contents:\n\nClick on the triangle to expand or contract.\nClick on the TEXT to automatically jump to that location in the book.\n\nThe highlighted entry indicates your current location.\nNumbers indicate the number of times a search term appears in a section.
*objFnameErr: Cannot open file for this object.
*objUnsupportedErr: Unsupported hardware for media type: %s
*objUnsupMediaErr: Unsupported media object
*objOpenErr: Cannot open file.\nFilename - %s.
*objTypeErr: Unknown object type to be rendered.\nFilename - %s.
*objDispErr: Cannot open or display/play object - %s.
*objNoRGBErr: This machine cannot display this graphic format (SGI RGB).
*hotspotMsg: You have cycled through all available graphic hyperlinks.\nResetting back to the first available hyperlink.\nThis message will only appear once per graphic.
*launchMsg: Cannot launch - %s
*noSaveErr: Cannot save file .insightrc.
*helpNotAvail: Sorry, Help on this item is not available yet.
*narrowErr: Your window is too narrow for this view.\nPlease resize the width of the viewing area.
*fontErr: The Insight viewer cannot load a specified font:\n%s\n\nA default has been used.
*bookAlreadyOpen: This book is already open.\nTo deselect this book from a search, please close the book first.
*bookViewErr: Cannot find requested book (%s) to view.\n\nOK to open Library?...
*fbInit: \n<Use this pre-addressed form to send comments about InSight\nor this online document to the technical publications\ngroups at Silicon Graphics. Delete this message, type your\ncomments, and press send. Please note that your message\nwill not be delivered to the customer support or sales\ndepartments, who should be reached instead through your\nlocal distributor or (in the U.S.) at this toll-free\nnumber: 1-800-800-7441. Or visit Silicon Graphics, Inc on\nthe world-wide-web at http://www.sgi.com/ for\nadditional information.>
*fbCmd: Mail -s \"%s\" %s
*fbCmdErr: Cannot execute IRIS InSight Feedback Mail command (fbCmd).
*ccCmd: \n~c %s\n
*Feedback.title: IRIS InSight Feedback
*Feedback.iconName: Feedback
*Feedback*form*traversalOn: True
*Feedback*form*navigationType: XmTAB_GROUP
*toLbl.labelString: To:
*toLbl*leftOffset: 35
*toTxt.leftOffset: 80
*reLbl.labelString: Subject:
*reLbl*leftOffset: 6
*reTxt.leftOffset: 80
*ccLbl.labelString: Cc:
*ccLbl*leftOffset: 36
*ccTxt.leftOffset: 80
*sendBtn.labelString: Send
*cancelBtn.labelString: Cancel
!! Must enforce XmDrawingArea of EBT's viewer widgets to have no margin
!! else Inline Widgets are coerced to stay onscreen